Saturday, September 6, 2014

Overcoming Asthma The Natural Way

There are so many benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil. Some of them are the following:
1. Prevent heart disease
2. Skin care
3.Weight loss
4. Immunity
5. Digestion
6. Candida / Asthma
7. Healing and Infections

From the list, let's extract one of the most important, the Candida in relation to Asthma. Asthma had been a plague to our family. My son was diagnosed with it when he was 6 months old (he's now 9 years old). And then we were frequent guests in the hospital literally month on month. Not only that it slowly drained us financially, but it also caused so much struggle on him. It went on until he's 3.5 years old and became accustomed in holding his own mask while on nebulization ( I'm still trying to find his picture of it). He actually looked cute with that but I know he had so much difficulty inside, and I felt it. As a mother, my child's distress is twice or thrice as much impinged on me. The medicines gave him temporary relief but when triggers appear the hospital admission followed next. Until one day, we attended a Food Supplement Orientation in Unlimited Network of Opportunities International Corp. (UNO) about the product VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil).  We found out how powerful it is and what it can do to our son. That night, we decided to stop all his maintenance (by the way, he was already on seretide, montelaukast and a readily available complete set of Ventolin Nebule and Ventolin expectorant then in the fridge plus our own nebulizer!). It was a tough decision on our part thinking that if we will abruptly stop his maintenance he might be attacked again and we will have o send him to the hospital again. It was an experiment only tough love can bring. We have to do it, we thought. Otherwise he will suffer for the rest of his life and will hinder his growth and development. That night we gave him VCO and Ultima C (Vitamin C in the form of Sodium Ascorbate, for faster efficacy of VCO), was the best decision of our life for our son. The next day, everything was different. He no longer took those medicines and continues his life without fear of triggers. The day before that was the last time we saw those medicines on the fridge and the day I kept the nebulizer back to its box! It was indeed GOD's answer to our prayers. Our son had been suffering for asthma for 3 and a half years and he took all those craps inside of his body. Our next goal was to detoxify him. Most of the asthma patients were given higher dose of antibiotics and those have to be flushed out via detoxification! I will have another story about his detoxification (using Kryptorganic) and will show you videos of him taking these powerful supplements. For those who didn't know what VCO can do to patients with Asthma, here's all the studies and research I made. 

Based on the study conducted by Nancy Guberti, a Certified Nutritionist and a metabolic and functional medicines specialist in Greenwich, Connecticut, asthma patients showed very high levels of candida and intolerance to wheat,dairy,gluten and soy. According to Nancy,"inflammation is the root cause of asthma. What we see when we remove inflammatory foods, it helps tremendously. The top inflammatory foods are dairy, wheat,soy,corn,whey and gluten." Nancy notes that when her patients can follow this diet 100 percent they see dramatic results "in about two weeks."

The good news is that the diet which help reduce asthma symptoms significantly or even cure asthma is not just about elimination things from your diet but about substituting things in your normal everyday diet with things that are very healthy and just as tasty (if not tastier). Coconut oil and other coconut products substitute easily for common everyday foods and are extraordinarily healthy and healing for asthmatics looking for a asthma cure and/ or home remedies for asthma. 

Things to consider about coconut oil for Asthma:

#1 Why are coconut products and coconut oil so good for asthmatics?

Asthma is a condition of internal inflammatory that is caused frequently by high levels of candida and poor digestion in the GI track. According to Nancy, " studies show that the first sign of inflammation will occur in the GI track. If you think of your GI track as a bucket and if you put a cup of water in the bucket every time you eat food that causes inflammation, eventually that bucket is going to overflow and with most people the first place that inflammation goes to is to the lungs." 

Coconut oil is a natural anti-fungal and anti-viral which will fight the candida asthmatics so often have and it is also an anti-inflammatory that will help reduce inflammation in the GI track thereby lessening the chance of the inflammation from the GI track spilling into the lungs and causing asthma symptoms. Lastly, coconut oil helps naturally rebuild tissues broken down from the wear and tear asthma has on the body.

#2 Asthma inhalers can cause candida growth in your mouth, coconut oil can help eliminate it.

Asthma inhalers can cause candida to form in the mouth which can spread to other parts of the body including the lungs which cause asthma symptoms. Coconut oil helps get rid of this candida.

#3 Coconut is high in the fat that your lungs need.

Coconut oil is high in phospholipids and is also compromised of 100 percent fatty acids which are the best type of fat for the lungs. According to Nancy, " Lungs work the best with the kind of fat found in coconut oil as opposed to the partially hydrogenated fats and oils from corn or vegetable oil which are found in so many of our foods."

Coconut has been shown to prevent and even cure candida. It provides relief from inflammation caused by candida, both externally and internally. Its high moisture retaining capacity keeps the skin from cracking or peeling off. Further, unlike other pharmaceutical treatments for candida, the effects of coconut oil is gradual and not drastic or sudden, which gives the patient an appropriate amount of time to get used to the withdrawal symptoms or Herxheimer Reactions ( the name given o the symptoms accompanying body's rejection of toxins generated during elimination of these fungi). But, in the treatment of this condition, people should systematically and gradually increase their dosages of coconut oil and shouldn't initially start a large quantity.

Candida, also known as Systemic Candidiasis, is a tragic disease caused from excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast called Candida Albicans in the stomach. This yeast is more or less present in everyone's stomach, but it doesn't manifest any adverse effects since its growth is controlled by the beneficial bacteria which also resides in our stomach. There are many reasons for this uncontrolled growth of yeast. For example, if other destructive bacteria or the use of antibiotics which ultimately end up in eliminating these bacteria, there can be an imbalance of bacteria and a problem like Candida can develop. Also, bleaching or washing of your stomach with medicines or excessive use of chemical laxatives or ingestion of poisonous material can cause the yeast or fungi to start growing fast and can lead to Candida.

The various fatty acids found in thr coconut oil are beneficial in counteracting the effects of these habits and can be used to treat Candida. (Credits: Nancy Guberti & Organic Facts).

Now you know what VCO can do. But do you know what those ASTHMA medicines and antibiotics can do to the patient's body? A lot! A lot of trouble! So what would you choose? Those synthetic drugs that brought temporary relief but are actually causing the problem in the first place, and damage other organs or the natures natural healer? Remember what Confucius has to say " let thy medicine be thy food and thy food be thy medicines." VCO is a food from nature, a God-given food. Let us all be as Organic and Natural as possible to keep our body and out family's body healthy. We all live them, let us spread the advocacy of bringing back nature and healing together.

I am happy to inform you that the Philippines produces the best virgin coconut oil in the world and 1st Health Virgin Coconut Oil is on top of it. 1st Health Virgin Coconut Oil came from organically grown tropical coconut palms commonly referred to as the "Tree of Life" and is processed via cold-pressing to retain its oil goodness.

1st Health Virgin Coconut Oil is naturally processed and has a totally clear water-like appearnace and taste of highly sweet coconut. Its low moisture content is responsible for its typically longer shelf life. If you think you need these products for you or a loved one, contact me. I am willing to assist you. I will be showing a video of this product being taken by my precious one and how he's being able to tolerate such a big softgel capsule.

Next will be the detoxification I made for my son..

Please continue to follow me on this journey.